About Us
Our Mission
The mission of YFP Gives is to empower a community of pharmacists to give.
Our Focus
Alleviating the indebtedness of obtaining the PharmD degree through administration of scholarships.
Financial Literacy
Promoting financial literacy within the profession of pharmacy.
Pharmacist Non-Profits
Supporting pharmacist-led philanthropic organizations and efforts.
Our Board
Tim Baker, CFP®, RICP®, RLP®
Co-Founder & COO, Your Financial Pharmacist
Josh Gabocik, PharmD, BCPS
Director, Ohio State Pharmacy Residency Programs
Melody Hartzler, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADM
Clinical Pharmacist & CEO, PharmToTable
Adam Martin, PharmD
Tony Robbins Results Coach; Founder & CEO, The Fit Pharmacist
Emlah Tubuo, PharmD
Owner, Powell Pharmacy; CEO & Founder, Emlah Naturals
Tim Ulbrich, PharmD
Co-Founder & CEO, Your Financial Pharmacist
Justin Woods, PharmD, MBA
Pharmacist & Sales Professional
Let’s Do Great Things Together
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